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" NAME navigation
AUTHOR holdam@daimi (Jan Holdam)
FUNCTION find class
CONFLICTS find class in 2.2 onwards
DATE 28 Nov 1986
SUMMARY Adds a 'find class' item to the browser
I would like to join the chorus of people submitting
goodies for the Smalltalk-80 system. The goodies are
developed for (or have been tested on) the PS-version
of Smalltalk-80 running on Sun 3''s.
Alas, this goodie has similarities to the "findSelector"
from Mario Wolczko, but nevertheless: what follows is
a goodie for supporting navigation in the System Browser.
It includes a version of the findClass where it is possible
to type a wildcard specification of the class wanted, and
where you may ask the system to look for other classes if
the first guess is not what you wanted. The other main
part of this navigation goodie is a findMethod which looks
in the actual class for the method. If the method is not
found, you may choose the first guess, ask the system to
try harder, or ask if the method is in the superclass of
the class. The last part of this goodie is a facility
to move from a class to its superclass, or to one of
its subclasses (if any).
The goodie is not supposed to work correctly for
multiple superclasses - at least it will only look
for the first one.
Any comments to:
Jan Holdam
Department of Computer Science
Aarhus University
DK-8000 Aarhus C
UUCP: holdam@daimi or ..mcvax!!diku!!daimi!!holdam
'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 28 November 1986 at 12:40:32 pm'!
!Browser methodsFor: 'searching'!
chooseSelectorsAmong: selectors considering: aSelString
"Find the selectors that match aSelString."
^selectors select: [:aSel | aSelString match: aSel]!
"Ask the user for the name of a class. If the name contains no wildcard characters
(* #) then answer the class having its name closest to the typed string,
otherwise find all classes matching the string."
| aString |
self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
aString _ FillInTheBlank request: 'Find which class?' initialAnswer: 'ClassName'.
aString isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
(aString includes: $*) | (aString includes: $#)
ifTrue: [^self findWildcardClass: aString].
^self findClass: aString!
findClass: aClassString
"Test if the string denotes an existing class. If not, find the class closest to
aClassString and ask the user if that was the wanted class. If it isn't,
try other alternatives."
| aClassName bestScore selectors score aStream menu reply showPoint |
aClassName _ aClassString asSymbol.
(Smalltalk includesKey: aClassName)
ifTrue: [((Smalltalk at: aClassName) isKindOf: Behavior)
ifFalse: [^Transcript cr;
show: aClassName, ' is a global instance of ',
(Smalltalk at: aClassName) class printString]]
["find closest class"
bestScore _ 0.
Smalltalk classNames do:
[:aClass | (score _ aClass spellAgainst: aClassString) > bestScore
ifTrue: [bestScore _ score. aClassName _ aClass]].
aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 200).
aStream nextPutAll: 'correct? ', (aClassName contractTo: 25); cr.
aStream nextPutAll: 'try harder'.
menu _ PopUpMenu labels: aStream contents.
reply _ menu startUp: #anyButton at: (showPoint _ Sensor cursorPoint) withHeading: ' ',
(aClassString contractTo: 25), ' is not a class'.
reply == 0 ifTrue: [^self].
reply == 2
ifTrue: ["sort all class names with respect to the typed string,
removing the one that has already been used"
Cursor execute showWhile:
[selectors _ Smalltalk classNames copy.
selectors remove: aClassName
ifAbsent: [self error: 'Error while removing a class name'].
selectors _ self sortSelectors: selectors considering: aClassString].
^self showAlternativesAmong: selectors at: showPoint string: aClassString]].
self newClass: aClassName!
"Ask the user for the name of a method. If it is the name of a unary or
binary selector, look for it. If it is the name of a keyword selector,
test if the name contains wildcard characters (* #). If it doesn't, answer the method
having its name closest to the typed string. If it does, find all methods
matching the string."
| aString |
self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
aString _ FillInTheBlank request: 'Find which method?' initialAnswer: 'methodName'.
aString isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
aString detect: [:aCharacter | aCharacter tokenish]
ifNone: [^self findMethod: aString inClass: self selectedClass showMenuAt: Sensor cursorPoint].
(aString includes: $*) | (aString includes: $#)
ifTrue: [^self findWildcardMethod: aString inClass: self selectedClass
showMenuAt: Sensor cursorPoint].
^self findMethod: aString inClass: self selectedClass showMenuAt: Sensor cursorPoint!
findMethod: aMethodString inClass: aClass showMenuAt: aPoint
"Test if the string denotes a method in aClass. If not, find the method closest to
aMethodString and ask the user if that was the wanted method. If it isn't,
try other alternatives in the same class, or look at methods in the superclass
(if any)."
| aMethodName reply menu selectors aStream menuArray posInMenu showPoint |
aMethodName _ aMethodString asSymbol.
(aClass whichCategoryIncludesSelector: aMethodName) isNil
ifTrue: ["sort all method selectors with respect to the typed string"
Cursor execute
showWhile: [selectors _ self sortSelectors: aClass selectors considering: aMethodString].
"build menu"
menuArray _ Array new: 3.
posInMenu _ 0.
aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 200).
selectors isEmpty
ifFalse: [aMethodName _ selectors removeFirst.
posInMenu _ posInMenu + 1.
aStream nextPutAll: 'correct? ', (aMethodName contractTo: 25); cr.
selectors isEmpty
ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: 'try harder'; cr.
posInMenu _ posInMenu + 1.
menuArray at: posInMenu put: #tryHarder]].
aClass ~= Object
ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: 'try in superclass'.
posInMenu _ posInMenu + 1.
menuArray at: posInMenu put: #tryInSuperclass]
ifFalse: [aStream skip: -1].
posInMenu = 0 ifTrue: [^self].
"now ask user"
menu _ ActionMenu labels: aStream contents selectors: menuArray.
reply _ menu startUp: #anyButton at: aPoint withHeading: ' ',
(aMethodString contractTo: 25), ' is not a method in ' , aClass name.
reply == 0 ifTrue: [^self].
(menu selectorAt: reply) == #tryHarder
ifTrue: [^self showAlternativesAmong: selectors for: aClass at: aPoint string: aMethodString].
(menu selectorAt: reply) == #tryInSuperclass
ifTrue: [^self findMethod: aMethodString inClass: aClass superclass showMenuAt: aPoint]].
self newSelector: aMethodName in: aClass.!
| aStream no classArray menu reply |
"show the subclasses (if any) of the selected class in the browser, and
let the user choose among them"
self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
self selectedClass = Object
ifTrue: [^Transcript cr; show: 'Can not be used from Object'].
Cursor execute showWhile:
[aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 200).
classArray _ Array new: 50.
no _ 0.
self selectedClass subclasses do:
[:aClass |
aStream nextPutAll: aClass name; cr.
no _ no+1.
no > 50 ifTrue: [Cursor normal show. ^Transcript cr; show: 'More than 50 subclasses'].
"to assure the menu will fit on the screen"
classArray at: no put: aClass].
no > 0
ifTrue: [aStream skip: -1]
ifFalse: [Cursor normal show. ^Transcript cr; show: 'No subclasses']].
no = 1 ifTrue: [^self showNewClass: (classArray at: 1)].
menu _ PopUpMenu labels: aStream contents lines: (Array with: no).
(reply _ menu startUp: #anyButton at: Sensor cursorPoint
withHeading: ' Subclasses: ') == 0 ifTrue: [^self].
self showNewClass: (classArray at: reply).!
"show the superclass (if any) of the selected class in the browser"
self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
self selectedClass ~= Object ifTrue:
[self showNewClass: self selectedClass superclass]!
findWildcardClass: aClassString
"Find all the classes that match aClassString, and let the user choose
among them. If no match, abort."
| reply aStream no classArray classNames menu |
Cursor execute showWhile:
[classNames _ (self chooseSelectorsAmong: Smalltalk classNames considering: aClassString) asSortedCollection.
aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 200).
classArray _ Array new: 50.
no _ 0.
classNames do:
[:aClass |
aStream nextPutAll: aClass; cr.
no _ no+1.
no > 50 ifTrue: [Cursor normal show. ^Transcript cr; show: 'More than 50 classes matching'].
"to assure the menu will fit on the screen"
classArray at: no put: aClass].
no > 0
ifTrue: [aStream skip: -1]
ifFalse: [Cursor normal show. ^Transcript cr; show: 'No match']].
menu _ PopUpMenu labels: aStream contents lines: (Array with: no).
(reply _ menu startUp: #anyButton at: Sensor cursorPoint
withHeading: 'Classes matching ', (aClassString contractTo: 25)) == 0 ifTrue: [^self].
self newClass: (classArray at: reply).!
findWildcardMethod: aMethodString inClass: aClass showMenuAt: aPoint
"Find all the selectors in aClass that match aMethodString, and let the user choose
among them. If no match, the user may look at the superclass (if any)."
| reply menu selectors aStream no selectorArray |
Cursor execute showWhile:
[selectors _ (self chooseSelectorsAmong: aClass selectors considering: aMethodString) asSortedCollection.
aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 200).
selectorArray _ Array new: 50.
no _ 0.
selectors do:
[:aSelector |
aStream nextPutAll: (aSelector contractTo: 25); cr.
no _ no+1.
no > 50 ifTrue: [Cursor normal show. ^Transcript cr; show: 'More than 50 methods matching'].
"to assure the menu will fit on the screen"
selectorArray at: no put: aSelector]].
aClass ~= Object
ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: 'try in superclass']
ifFalse: [no > 0
ifTrue: [aStream skip: -1]
ifFalse: [Cursor normal show. ^Transcript cr; show: 'No match']].
menu _ PopUpMenu labels: aStream contents lines: (Array with: no).
reply _ no > 0
ifTrue: [menu startUp: #anyButton at: aPoint withHeading: ' Methods matching ',
(aMethodString contractTo: 25), ' in ', aClass name, ' ']
ifFalse: [menu startUp: #anyButton at: aPoint withHeading: ' No methods matching ',
(aMethodString contractTo: 25), ' in ', aClass name, ' '].
reply == 0 ifTrue: [^self].
reply == (no+1)
ifTrue: [^self findWildcardMethod: aMethodString inClass: aClass superclass showMenuAt: aPoint].
self newSelector: (selectorArray at: reply) in: aClass.!
newClass: aClassName
"Adjust the contents of the Browser."
| aClass |
aClass _ Smalltalk at: aClassName ifAbsent: [^self].
aClass category ~= category
ifTrue: [self newCategoryList: aClass category].
((aClass ~= self selectedClass) and: [aClass class ~= self selectedClass])
ifTrue: [self newClassList: aClassName].!
newSelector: aMethodName in: aClass
"Adjust the contents of the Browser."
| newProtocol tempClass changeMeta |
changeMeta _ false.
(newProtocol _ (aClass whichCategoryIncludesSelector: aMethodName)) isNil ifTrue: [^self].
ifTrue: [((aClass ~= Object) & (aClass ~= Behavior) & (aClass ~= ClassDescription))
ifTrue: [tempClass _ aClass soleInstance]
ifFalse: [tempClass _ aClass.
changeMeta _ true]]
ifFalse: [tempClass _ aClass].
tempClass category ~= category
ifTrue: [self newCategoryList: tempClass category].
tempClass ~= self selectedClass
ifTrue: [self newClassList: tempClass name asSymbol].
changeMeta ifTrue: [meta _ false. self changed: #meta].
protocol ~= newProtocol
ifTrue: [self newProtocolList: newProtocol].
selector ~= aMethodName
ifTrue: [self newSelectorList: aMethodName].!
showAlternativesAmong: selectors at: aPoint string: aClassString
"Show the next 5 classes closest to aClassString that haven't been
shown before. Let the user choose among them, or decide to
continue with more imaginative proposals."
| aStream reply no selectorArray sel |
aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 200).
selectorArray _ Array new: 5.
no _ 0.
[no >= 5 or: [selectors isEmpty]]
whileFalse: [no _ no+1.
selectorArray at: no put: selectors removeFirst.
aStream nextPutAll: (selectorArray at: no); cr].
selectors isEmpty ifTrue: [aStream skip: -1] ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: 'tryHarder'].
reply _ (PopUpMenu labels: aStream contents lines: (Array with: no)) startUp: #anyButton at: aPoint
withHeading: ' ', (aClassString contractTo: 25), ' is not a class'.
reply == 0 ifTrue: [^self].
reply = (no+1)
ifTrue: [^self showAlternativesAmong: selectors at: aPoint string: aClassString]
ifFalse: [^self newClass: (selectorArray at: reply)]!
showAlternativesAmong: selectors for: aClass at: aPoint string: aMethodString
"Show the next 5 selectors in aClass closest to aMethodString that haven't been
shown before. Let the user choose among them, decide to
continue with more imaginative proposals, or look at the superclass (if any)."
| aStream reply no selectorArray menu |
aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 200).
selectorArray _ Array new: 7.
no _ 0.
[no >= 5 or: [selectors isEmpty]]
whileFalse: [no _ no+1.
selectorArray at: no put: selectors removeFirst.
aStream nextPutAll: ((selectorArray at: no) contractTo: 25); cr].
selectors isEmpty
ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: 'try harder'; cr.
selectorArray at: no+1 put: #tryHarder].
aClass = Object
ifTrue: [aStream skip: -1]
ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: 'try in superclass'.
selectorArray at: (((selectorArray at: no+1) == nil) ifTrue: [no+1] ifFalse: [no+2])
put: #tryInSuperclass].
menu _ ActionMenu labels: aStream contents lines: (Array with: no) selectors: selectorArray.
reply _ menu startUp: #anyButton at: aPoint withHeading: ' ',
(aMethodString contractTo: 25), ' is not a method in ', aClass name.
reply == 0 ifTrue: [^self].
(menu selectorAt: reply) == #tryHarder
ifTrue: [^self showAlternativesAmong: selectors for: aClass at: aPoint string: aMethodString].
(menu selectorAt: reply) == #tryInSuperclass
ifTrue: [^self findMethod: aMethodString inClass: aClass superclass showMenuAt: aPoint].
^self newSelector: (selectorArray at: reply) in: aClass!
showNewClass: aClass
| tempClass changeMeta |
"Adjust the contents of the Browser."
aClass isMeta
ifTrue: [tempClass _ aClass soleInstance.
changeMeta _ meta not]
ifFalse: [tempClass _ aClass.
changeMeta _ meta].
tempClass category ~= category
ifTrue: [self newCategoryList: tempClass category].
((tempClass ~= self selectedClass) and: [tempClass class ~= self selectedClass])
ifTrue: [self newClassList: tempClass name].
ifTrue: [self meta: meta not]!
sortSelectors: keys considering: aString
"Sort selectors with respect to being closest to aString. The intermediate
collection of arrays is used of effiency purposes."
| selectors |
selectors _ keys
collect: [:sel | Array with: sel with: (sel spellAgainst: aString)].
^(selectors asSortedCollection:
[:aSel :anotherSel | (aSel at: 2) > (anotherSel at: 2)])
collect: [:sel | sel at: 1]! !
!PopUpMenu methodsFor: 'controlling'!
startUp: aSymbol at: aPoint withHeading: aText
"Display and make a selection from the receiver as long as the button
denoted by the symbol, aSymbol, is pressed. Answer the current selection."
self displayAt: aPoint withHeading: aText
during: [Sensor cursorPoint: marker center.
[self buttonPressed: aSymbol]
whileFalse: [].
[self buttonPressed: aSymbol]
whileTrue: [self manageMarker]].
^selection! !
!Browser methodsFor: 'category list'!
"Browser flushMenus"
category == nil ifTrue:
[^ActionMenu labels: 'add category\update\edit all\find class' withCRs
lines: #(1 3)
selectors: #(addCategory updateCategories editCategories findClass)].
CategoryMenu == nil ifTrue:
[CategoryMenu _ ActionMenu
labels: 'file out\print out\spawn\add category\rename\remove\update\edit all\find class' withCRs
lines: #(3 7 9)
selectors: #(fileOutCategory printOutCategory spawnCategory addCategory renameCategory removeCategory updateCategories editCategories findClass)].
^CategoryMenu! !
!Browser methodsFor: 'class list'!
"Browser flushMenus"
className == nil ifTrue: [^nil].
ClassMenu == nil ifTrue:
[ClassMenu _ ActionMenu
labels: 'file out\print out\spawn\spawn hierarchy\hierarchy\definition\comment\protocols\inst var refs\class var refs\class refs\rename\remove\superclass\subclass' withCRs
lines: #(4 9 12 14)
selectors: #(fileOutClass printOutClass spawnClass spawnHierarchy
showHierarchy editClass editComment editProtocols
browseFieldReferences browseClassVariables browseClassReferences
renameClass removeClass
findSuperclass findSubclass)].
^ClassMenu! !
!Browser methodsFor: 'protocol list'!
"Browser flushMenus"
protocol == nil ifTrue:
[^ActionMenu labels: 'add protocol\find method' withCRs
lines: #(1)
selectors: #(addProtocol findMethod)].
ProtocolMenu == nil ifTrue:
[ProtocolMenu _ ActionMenu
labels: 'file out\print out\spawn\add protocol\rename\remove\find method' withCRs
lines: #(3 7)
selectors: #(fileOutProtocol printOutProtocol spawnProtocol addProtocol renameProtocol removeProtocol findMethod)].
^ProtocolMenu! !